More and more Filipino Catholic groups support Robredo


On January 11, at least two Catholic groups endorsed Vice President Leonor “Leni” Robredo’s candidacy for President of the Philippines in this year’s national elections.

DaKaTeo, a group of Catholic theologians, called Robredo “the best candidate to combat the social sins that plague Filipino society”.

The group said her track record showed she was best placed to take the top office in the country.

“Before even entering the political arena, Leni has done so many things for the good of the people,” the group said in a statement.

The group cited Robredo’s “laudable” management of public funds which earned him the highest rating from the Commission on audit, the body that reviews all spending involving public funds.

“During her years as vice-chair, the committee has proven that its office is the cleanest in government. The group added.

We want to enlighten the undecided voters … to choose not the lesser evil but leaders who would defend truth and justice

In a sweep aimed at current President Rodrigo Duterte, he said that she “is not a thief, liar, cheater, lazy, boastful and killer. She does not favor oligarchs, friends and killers. political allies… She does not divide the nation because of corruption.

A group of former seminarians also supported Robredo and called on Catholics to engage in “truthful” discernment that would lead to votes for the right candidate.

“We want to educate the marginalized sectors of society who are often used and abused by deceptive politicians in elections to vote for their own interests … and our discernment process designates Robredo as the best candidate,” the group said in an article. on Facebook.

“To our fellow Catholics who are still undecided. We want to enlighten undecided voters … added.

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Theologians and seminarians joined with other Catholic groups, institutions and even ecclesiastics in supporting the vice president, a critic of Duterte.

They include the Catholic University of San Beda, the Alma Mater Law School in Duterte. Archbishop Socrates Villegas de Lingayen is also believed to be supporting Robredo after congratulating a group of medics who came to support her last week.

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